Inspired Influencers

Podcaster’s Kit 2021 Powerful Podcasting Templates Bundle

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Welcome Podcasters Kit 2021 Members

Let’s face it, Systems Save You Time

I’ve documented my entire process and I want to give you a copy! Secure interviews with today’s top experts.

$197 value

Spend more time thriving in your passion and serving the world with your purpose. Love what you do!

Powerful Podcasting Templates

You know as well as I do, podcasting is an empowering way to share your message and change the world, one episode at a time. But, it’s not just about creating a podcast…

It’s about creating a GREAT podcast!

Hey Expert Guests, this can help you, too. It’s great to see these behind-the-scenes processes so you know what podcasters are looking for and you can prepare for success.

Okay, so I’ll get right to it, here’s what’s included:

  • Interview Promo Page Template: Use this to Promote Your Episodes
  • EMAIL #1 – Request for an Interview Email Template: We made it easy to send your interview requests to potential guests by creating a simple email template you can update and make your own and re-use each time.
  • EMAIL #2 – Follow Up Request Email Template: Following up after requesting an interview is key. Use this template to give your potential guest another nudge. They may have missed your initial request as well so following up can really pay off.
  • EMAIL #3 – Pre-Interview Information Email Template: Use this template as a confirmation with all the details after your guest has agreed and you have selected a date and time. This will let them know everything you need from them and include all the details about the interview.
  • EMAIL #4 – Interview Reminder Email Template: Use this template as a reminder for your guest with all the interview details. Send this email the day before the interview to ensure your guest will be prepared.
  • EMAIL #5 – Invitation to Join Call and Interview Announcement Email Templates: Use these email templates to notify your email subscribers about the interview. One can be used to invite your subscribers to join your interview live.
  • EMAIL #6 – Subscriber Announcement: To be sent to your subscribers AFTER the interview has been recorded and loaded onto your website. Notify them about the episode when the interview is complete
  • EMAIL #7 – Thank You for the Interview Email Template: Following up with your guests is important and you will want to thank them for taking the time to talk with you. You can also share the recording and transcripts with them in this communication as well.
  • Guest Checklist: There is a lot to remember and prepare for when interviewing guests for your podcast. Use this handy checklist to ensure you don’t miss a thing.

NOTE: Our pages and downloads are secure. If you receive an error message about the page security, it’s your own security settings in your browser, device or wifi. We can’t change those settings on our end, but the product is accessible, so you might want to try a different browser or device.


Jennifer Henczel

Podcaster, Producer and Founder

Inspired Influencers

Women in Podcasting

About Jennifer Henczel

Jennifer Henczel is an Award Winning Leader, Best Selling Author, Speaker, Podcaster and Founder of Inspired Influencers and Women in Podcasting VIP Club. Jennifer’s mission is to lift women’s voices and stories globally. This is a collaborative movement and community where members inspire each other to turn their ideas into actions and live their dreams.View all posts by Jennifer Henczel

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